The meeting of UNASUR in a region not known region

09/09/2009 0 By Rodrigo Cintra

Latin America is still in search of its identity, but the different realities that make up this expressionist framework hamper a single definition or even minimally complete. No end of August (2009) the presidents of South American countries met in Bariloche, Argentina, by Union summit on the occasion of South American Nations (Unasur). The meeting was relatively fast, but wear during their achievement was great.

The central theme of the meeting prowled around the agreement that Colombia and the United States are signing and that will allow US troops to use 7 military bases in Colombian territory. According to Colombia, the aim is to fight the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Countries with more nationalist discourses or even pan-Americanists rose immediately against the agreement. Vezenuela, Ecuador and Bolivia, led first, They placed themselves squarely contrary to agreement, accusing Colombia to attract "foreign" forces to the South American territory.

By having in mind that Unasur is an agreement of forming a free trade zone, It is difficult to understand how and why a discussion on the role of armed forces in the region was discussed. Perhaps the Defense Council would be a more appropriate forum, however, even though it was launched the idea, It was not implemented.

Thus, South American countries have failed to create a space for military cooperation, while not created a formally constituted space to develop policy issues. They opted, Instead, for an economic forum, although it is not used for this.

Like this, governments in the region continue to believe that the economy is the preferred channel for bringing people together, countries. however, Apart from these forums do not achieve success (as shown Alalc, Aladi, Alca…), They are soon taken for political discussions.

South America, a second stage, Latin America will only develop a collective mind from the moment you accept the policy as necessary. The problem here is that this requires accept that in politics for power and, therefore, no power difference.

The discourse of Latin American brotherhood, equality of people is a fallacy. There are actually a sense of common belonging, other than that indicated by geography. The strongest should take their places, the burden and the bonus that it generates.

Despite the regional struggles and internal discussions that help shape the positioning of each government, interesting here to note the foreign idea. The discussion on UNASUR was centered on the issue of US troops, those perceived as foreign. Foreign in relation to what? At rigor all the troops that are not the focus country are foreign, whether Colombian, Venezuelan or US.

However, maybe this agreement will bring good future results, helping to better outline what is to be South American than not. E, like this, once again the United States will be contributing decisively to the formation of the region, like it or not.


Originally published in: magazine Author – September 2009