parliamentary recess was no reduction, it was lost

27/02/2006 0 By Rodrigo Cintra
The MP was finally lowered recess, going from 90 for 55 days a year. The id & eacute; it was passed recently by the Senate and comes at the time when the pol & iacute; est & atilde typical; the increasingly discredited, as a response of these & aggravate; society. On the other side, the press could echo the sounds that were scattered in society and t & ecirc; m in pol & iacute; ticos a lot of corrupt people and disconnected from the real interests of society. Now we know who won and who lost with this measure.

Now that the topic j & aacute; n & atilde, the most occupies the notici á rivers and & eacute; poss & iacute; vel realize that nothing has really changed, focus be & aacute; directed to another quest & atilde, the palliative any, AU & atilde to another, the simpl & oacute; ria having one or two points f á cyl treatment solution MAKE-HANDS; ills for the pol & iacute; optical pa & iacute; s.

What really is this debate & eacute; the failure of n & atilde, the have done what should be. Again the Brazilian society has lost an important opportunity to try to overcome their pr & oacute; pria & conditions ccedil; & atilde, the, reaffirming our trend & ecirc; INSTANCE – wherein j á It appears more const & acirc; INSTANCE – to focus more in the way that the count & uacute; the. this opportunity, as many others that j á They passed, only reinforcing MAKE-id to the & eacute; ia that the pol & iacute; non-toxic & HAND passes a set of procedures to be followed, the pol & iacute; ticos should represent the general interests of the & ccedil; & atilde, the, but without the in & ccedil; & atilde; the need is effort MAKE-air to it.

Individually, the most common defense & eacute; that the pol & iacute; tica & eacute; Something t & HAND Dirty, n & atilde, deserve the attention ccedil &; & atilde, the citizens of & atilde; the. Pol & iacute; s optical HANDS; T & atilde beings; the corrupt, n & atilde, deserve the confidence & ccedil, the citizens of & atilde; the. E, like this, Brazilian democracy n & atilde, the can move from a scam that sustains the illusion & atilde; that the population & ccedil; & atilde, the det & eacute; m power, while a dishonest minority controls everything according to their interests.

Although caricatured, this & eacute; the reality we can see the streets. An addict system, an uncompromising elite and a population & ccedil; & atilde, the disjointed. The quest & atilde; the & eacute; how to change this reality? The solution & ccedil; & otilde; s & s HAND the complicated and effort MAKE-S & HAND the v HANDS, the, which guarantees to each of n & oacute; s, citizens & atilde; honest and doers of our duties, tranqualidade the n & atilde, the terms do anything about j á each of n & oacute; s n & HAND being á able to change all that. Thus, Now we can focus on the find within this unjust system.

However solution MAKE-HANDS; est á more pr & oacute; n xima & oacute; s than it looks. A good eats & ccedil, the relationship would think & ccedil; & atilde; what we have with our pol & iacute; ticos. When we believe that they will not HANDS; est & HAND l á (in distant and abstract seat of power) and do as they please, regardless of our interests, & Eacute; a game of abandonment signal pol & iacute; tico, even before it begins. And here n & atilde; the & eacute; defended the id & eacute; would that we should follow the life p & uacute; Republic of our pol & iacute; ticos, Invisible something á level in an increasingly run daily.

The rethink the relationship MAKE-HANDS; pol & iacute; optical & citizen-HAND the & eacute; more b & aacute; serum than that and n & atilde; the to be confused with the relation & ccedil; & atilde, the voter-candidate, that & eacute; passenger. The lack of interest in pol & iacute; tica & eacute; result of our dist & acirc; & INSTANCE maintained with regard ccedil; & atilde; the her, our ignorance with regard & ccedil; & atilde, the what is done in making decision & otilde; es pol & iacute; tica, no próprio jogo político.

A forma como foi tratada a questão do recesso parlamentar vem ao encontro dessa leitura simplista que é feita da realidade, uma realidade não-compreendida. Like this, a sociedade brasileira comemorou uma medida que, antes do que ser uma medida ética ou mesmo corretiva, apenas aprofunda os vícios para os quais ela foi tomada. A redução do recesso, ao invés de aumentar o trabalho dos políticos, vai diminuir.

A vida de um político, to contr & aacute; rio rather than believe the majority of the population & ccedil; & atilde, the, n & atilde; or & eacute; f & aacute; cil. Pol & iacute; nontoxic & atilde; the & eacute; an administrator, thesis that has gained is & ccedil, the, & Eacute; & iacute one inch, typical. The State n & atilde; the & eacute; a company, & Eacute; a place to converge divergent interests and T & ecirc; m impacts throughout society.

The role of a pol & iacute; n & optical atilde, the boils down to go to an office or pollen & aacute; rio, sign pap & eacute; is and vote on bills. For those j & aacute; He walked the halls of Bras & iacute; lia know that pollen & aacute; n & atilde river; the & eacute; the central place of activity pol & iacute; tica. The commission & otilde; es consume most of the parliamentary life and s & atilde, the base of pollen activity á ria. Plen á empty laugh or full n & atilde; the & eacute; plus or less work, & Eacute; only one signal pol & iacute; optical. Commission & otilde; s empty or filled yes & eacute; a sign of more or less work.

However the quest & atilde; n & atilde, the must stop here. A pol & iacute; n & optical atilde, the sums up his work to commission & otilde; es and pollen á rivers, it needs to maintain constant contact with their constituency. Bras & iacute; lia lives have & ccedil; a & aggravate; fifth n & atilde; why the pol & iacute; ticos want to return to their homes on weekends to stay in the pool sunning, instead, the pol & iacute; ticos T & ecirc; m to return to their constituencies. Gather & otilde; s local, participates & ccedil; & atilde, the events and celebrates & ccedil; & otilde; es, receiving requests and demands and maintenance & ccedil; & atilde; the nature of relationships pol & iacute; tica fill this per & iacute; a week odo pol & iacute; tico.

Similarly to the weekends a pol & iacute; nontoxic & atilde; s & HAND the tranq & Nuuml; yl, and away from the work, its f & eacute; holiday (or better, recess) also & eacute; m n & HAND the like may be leaving the. When we blame & iacute one inch; having optical 90 days recess while n & oacute; s, common people, we only 30, we forget that we 30 real days, in which we can totally disconnect of our forces & ccedil; & otilde; s professional, while a pol & iacute; nontoxic & HAND achieve á differs by more than a few days of its base.

This brings us to the real discussion & atilde; which was wasted & ccedil; ada when the subject of the parliamentary recess on the agenda. O pol RIVER tico n & atilde; or & eacute; n separate from options | s, & Eacute; the result of a relationship & ccedil; & atilde, the, to Cidad & atilde; o-pol RIVER tico. Like this, the reduction MAKE-HANDS; n & atilde; the & eacute; reduction MAKE-HANDS, the, & Eacute; loss. N & COLLISION s, citizens & atilde; the, now we have an even chance of keeping closer contact with our pol & iacute; ticos. If before they had to 90 days to get along worse &; s their constituencies, Now disp & otilde; in only 55.

In situated MAKE-HANDS; a wherein n & HAND to engage in the pol & iacute; topical, oblige pol & iacute; ticos to stay at Bras & iacute; lia for more 1 m & ecirc; s and medium helps to tranq & uuml; ilizar our anger by those who should be & ldquo; working” as n & oacute; n and s & atilde, the do. But in a cen & aacute; rio in which we want to change the relation & ccedil; & atilde; between the pol & iacute; optical and citizens & atilde, the, our exif & ecirc; INSTANCE should be exactly the opposite, that is, one presence MAKE-inch lower than the & iacute; optical Bras & iacute; lia and greater near the base.

Like this, the population MAKE-HANDS; celebrating the Brazilian reduction MAKE-HANDS, the recess Parliament, as that commend its pr & oacute; trap Pria, as if to reaffirm its total disinterest in pol & iacute; tica as an important activity for change & ccedil, the. E, thereby, reinforcing MAKE-id & eacute the masters, that would pol & iacute; topical & eacute; only the administering of bills.

Moral of the hist & oacute; ria
When the pol & iacute; tica n & atilde, passes an administrative activity, the quality of a pol & iacute; optical & eacute; given the amount of days that & ldquo; & rdquo hits the spot;.

All pa & iacute; ses of Am & eacute; rich South, Europe and the United States T & ecirc; m parliamentary recesses of, no minimum, 90 days. That is & atilde group; the young democracies consolidated, and none of this recess & ldquo; excessive” looks like something inc & FLYING; mode. Perhaps the fault is, for a change, guilt of our pol & iacute; ticos.

Council Liter & aacute; rio

Is because the United States, after ruined by a cruel war, using that device, j & aacute; both avultam not theater Pol & iacute; tico, how high should expect Brazil to rise in wealth, Folk & ccedil; & atilde, the, ind & uacute; stria & ecirc and pot; INSTANCE, adopting firmly equal pol & iacute; tica, being located in the MAKE-HANDS, the more Please á level for correspondence & ecirc; INSTANCE market all over the globe.
Notes & ccedil; & otilde; es on with & eacute; Commerce Franco in Brazil (Second part) – Viscount of Cairo

originally published in:
magazine Author (
Ano VI – nº 57 – Mar & ccedil; the 2006
Is & ccedil; & atilde; or Pol RIVER tica