44ª edição do curso Imprensa na Escola discutirá a cúpula do Brics

44Edition of the Press at the School course will discuss the summit of the Brics

12/09/2019 Off By Rodrigo Cintra


The 44th edition of the Press in the course School, organized by the Brazilian Center for Studies and International Business & Corporate diplomacy (CB NEW) ESPM, discuss the summit of the Brics, which will take place in November in Brasilia.

The program of the course will consist of classes that discuss the Brics, the positioning of each country in the group and the economic relations between them.

The teacher Rodrigo Cintra, academic director of ESPM, minister lecture on the role of the BRICS in the world order.

Then, It is also called a professora Holzhacker, core studies and business in the Americas, discusses the foreign policy actions of the Brazilian government and Professor Fausto Godoy, core studies and Asian businesses, debate the power game in Asia with the emergence of China and India's position.

sequentially, Marcelo Zorovich, International relations course coordinator, said the business environment between Brazil and China and Professor Diego Bonaldo Coelho, the ESPM multinational observatory, talks about the new challenges to trade and investment in the international arena.

Professor Alexandre Uehara, the organizing center of the press course in School, reflects on the economic relations between China and Africa and Professor Demetrius Pereira, core studies and business Europe, raises Russia's role in the group.

Lastly, o professor Gunther Rudzit, Core studies and Middle East business, will address the importance of the existence of the Brics.

The course is designed for journalists and will take place on 17 of September, from 8 am to 12:30 pm, the Educational Innovation Laboratory (r. Dr. Alvaro Alvim, 123, Vila Mariana).

Registration is free and can be made from completing a form.

Originally published in 9.set.2019 at 10:35 am https://novoemfolha.blogfolha.uol.com.br/2019/09/09/44a-edicao-do-curso-imprensa-na-escola-discutira-a-cupula-do-brics/