Brazil wins with both Obama and McCain with

17/06/2008 0 By Rodrigo Cintra
Barack Obama or John McCain? Who will be the best president for bilateral relations United States-Brazil?

The Democrat has the advantage when it comes to labor agendas, environmental and human rights and the republican, in trade relations. However, regardless of winner, experts consulted by Daily believe that both have good relations with the country, because they know that Brazil has become an important global political and economic actor.

Rodrigo Cintra, Professor of International Relations course of ESPM, He believes that Brazil tends to earn more with John McCain, who has publicly said his claim to remove part of the ethanol subsidies and defend the country's entry to the G8 and the UN Security Council (United Nations Organization), two major issues of Brazilian foreign policy.

“Obama has a vision a bit of American leadership, to recover the centrality that the country had in moral terms. McCain is more strategic. He has said he admires Brazil's performance in Haiti and places the country as a possible military leader on the continent.”

Democrat – Ambassador Sérgio Amaral, director of the American Studies Center at FAAP, He believes that it is premature to discuss which candidate will be better, as the second phase of the campaign is just beginning in the US and what is known of the programs is still subject generalities.

But he claims that Brazil has more affinity with the Democratic candidate. “By multilateralism issues, environmental agendas, human rights and because of a less concentrated in terrorism stance”, states.

For research associate NUPRI USP, The statement said the Holzhacker, Obama's candidacy is more promising because it may increase the US government dialogue on the international agenda and regional.

In its assessment, Democrat has a convergent speech to Brazil on the need of the world to fight poverty and increase development. “An American president sensitive to these issues on the international agenda could benefit Brazil's position in the international arena”, rating.

Consent – The consensus among experts is borne by the prominent position that today Brazil is the world stage. “Either one will need to be treated differently with Brazil, which will be a major power in the coming years. We have hydroelectric potential, arable land and sources of energy matrix”, says Rodrigo Cintra.

To the ambassador Sérgio Amaral, Brazil has gained a prominent position in recent decades, due to the stabilization of the economic situation and a more active foreign policy. “The Brazil stands out in Latin America by democratic credentials, the economy, the commitments in the areas of Human Rights and the Environment. This means it has a higher weight”, says.

Adriana Mompean
The Diário do Grande ABC

Originally published in:
Monday, 23 June 2008 = secao&= p detail&c=6&id=12035