Specializes in marketing, ESPM makes room for courses in new areas

17/10/2014 0 By Rodrigo Cintra

offered from 2007, the International Relations course is one of the highlights among the ranks of ESPM, who was born with a focus on training Advertising and Marketing. Another result of the diversification entity graduations, the course of Information Systems and Communications Management is in its first class. Graduation addresses the information technology applied to entertainment, games and application development.

Graduation is the only in the country in this format and was inspired by other existing foreign universities. Among the subjects are Games Management and Application Development.

"We form a hybrid and complete professional, working in the field of Information Technology, linked to the Communication ", says the course coordinator, Rodrigo Tafner. It ensures that the area will continue to be demanded in the years ahead and that will not be extinguished as other promising market betting. “É uma das que mais recruta profissionais mundo afora.” A ESPM aposenta a sala comum e utiliza o laboratório em 80% school and, in other, make meetings in the stands, com o professor no centro.

Already a graduate of International Relations, according to the coordinator Rodrigo Cintra, seeks to form "enterprise diplomats", working in multinational companies and companies with large market. The course also offers disciplines of government relations and institutional, já que as empresas criam áreas de relacionamento com o governo e entidades.

testimony: Juliana Malvasi, senior analyst IR

"I wanted something comprehensive, RI chosen because it had variety of materials, from Marketing lessons to Policy. The course provided that more open range and studied different theories. I graduated in 2013 and since I work in the area. A ESPM sempre ofereceu laboratórios atualizados, vast library and released applications for study. Only missed lectures with people of the third sector or less traditional areas. There is a very focused vision for the market of large enterprises. "

published in: Eduação – The state of Sao Paulo, 17 October 2014.

Source: http://educacao.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral,especializada-em-marketing-espm-abre-espaco-para-cursos-em-novas-areas,1578524