Conference Industrial Policy in International Crisis Context: evaluating strategies

03/12/2012 0 By Rodrigo Cintra

12/12/2012 – Conference Industrial Policy in International Crisis Context: evaluating strategies

O Brazilian Center for International Relations (FORCED) will perform, in day 12 December 2012, in Sao Paulo, a Conferência Industrial policy in the context of international crisis: evaluating strategies, with release date, the same opportunity, study conducted on the same topic.

The event aims to discuss the correlation between the implementation of protective measures and incentives, foreign direct investment and the development of national industry in sectors perceived as strategic for innovation and technological development of Brazil. His motivation stems from the global trend from 2008, with the outbreak of the international financial crisis, imprint protectionist measures.

A Conferência reunirá Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves (FORCED), Rodrigo Cintra (ESPM/SP), Vera Thorstensen (FGV/SP), Lia Valls (IBRE / FGV) e Mauricio Pinheiro Canêdo (IBRE / FGV) – the latter two responsible for developing the above study – and other experts on the subject.

Data: 12 December 2012, Wednesday
Schedule: 8h AS 13h15
Local: Auditorium of ESPM / SP, located at Rua Dr. Alvaro Alvim, nº 123 – Vila Mariana / São Paulo.

No onsite parking available.

INFORMATION: Sylk Sauma or Thainá Milk – (21) 2206 – 4418

Attention! Registration is necessary. limited availability.