Classroom techniques of international negotiations

07/09/2010 0 By Rodrigo Cintra

Negotiations Course International
The course is an achievement of FOCUS RI ( in support of Marcus Peçanha campaign ( and will be held on Saturday 11 e 25 September at Casa Mario Covas (Rua Banibas, 23, Alto de Pinheiros, Sao Paulo-SP – next conn. the Pan American Plaza), from 9 am to 5:30 pm.
Are confirmed attendance and campaign supporters: Rodrigo Cintra (Executive director of Focus R. I. advisory & Consulting International Relations), Fabio Rua (Director of Intergovernmental Relations Latin America at GE Energy), Christian Lohbauer (Executive President of the National Association of Citrus Exporters – CitrusBR), Paulo Mattos (Political and economic analyst at the US Consulate in Sao Paulo). Besides these, other international relations professionals also participate.

The course is free and will be exclusive to the students who want to get involved in the campaign for state representative Marcus Peçanha (PSDB). Marcus is formed in RI and has worked in this area since its formation. Its platform is to bring the theme of RI within the state, transforming it into a public policy action. This course was made for you and we would like to count on your presence and participation.(as)!
To sign up, send your data (full name, Address, phones and email and faculty that attends) to Salomão Lima <> until next friday, day 10 of September. Places are limited.