The Internationalization of Higher Education

13/10/2021 Off By Rodrigo Cintra

Wednesday's Thinking Brazil, 13/10/2021, at 18h, interview Dr. Rodrigo Cintra on the topic “The Internationalization of Higher Education: a door that needs to be known and opened”.

Post-Doctorate in Territorial Competitiveness and Creative Industries, by Dinâmica – Center for the Study of Socio-Economic Change, of the Higher Institute of Labor and Business Sciences (ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal). PhD in International Relations from the University of Brasilia, Master in Political Science from USP and Bachelor in International Relations from PUC de São Paulo.

Worked as a consultant in the area of ​​internationalization of companies, developing consulting activities for corporate potential analysis, prospecting for international markets and advising on the implementation of internationalization strategies. He was visiting professor at respected Higher Education Institutions, to mention the prestigious Fundação Dom Cabral, No brazil, e a IESEG School of Management, in France. Develops Risk Factor Analysis project for International Business. He was a member of the Editorial Board of several journals., journal reviewer and member of several Advisory Committees.

At the renowned and respected Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) is Director of Internationalization. He is also a member of the Bank of Assessors of the National Higher Education Assessment System. (BASis) since 2018, and evaluator of undergraduate courses by INEP/MEC. He is Executive Director of the Mapa Mundi think tank. ( He is the author of dozens of articles in the field of international relations., as well as several books as author and co-author, both in the area of ​​international relations and political science.

The transmission will take place on the following links:
