The Brazil without the BRICS is an isolated country

20/08/2018 Off By Rodrigo Cintra

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa make up the group known as BRICS. It is not just the aggregation of a number of countries with emphasis on the international scene, more than that, They form an important element that can impact on the international scene structure.

The Brazil, as well as other countries trainers, They should take this alliance one of its main foreign policy strategies, as well as take advantage of the potential to boost their economies.

Economy and Trade

In 2014 o grupo criou o Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento, NBD (em inglês New Development Bank, NDB). On one side, NBD was created to finance infrastructure projects, from another, It can be a major tool to leverage international trade.

The current trade war is being greatly stimulated by the United Undios, which has generated a ripple effect, since many affected countries are forced to also implement barriers in their trades outside. To the extent that the group is economically strategic, countries should focus their internal trade integration efforts, I take the potential of approximately 22% Stir START Mundial (which is the sum of the GDPs of the countries in the group). As it turns out, It is not just a set of countries, it is about 1/4 the whole world wealth.

The GDP of the BRICS group poses a potential level of unprecedented international position if we consider each country individually. When used as a whole, in an organized, BRICS can determine international rules that are important to guarantee its international power.

Politics and International Relations

Another important aspect to consider is the political impact that the countries of BRICS may have on the international scene. Alone there is an imbalance of power between countries, with some having more and others less international projection. However, the joint action of these offers unprecedented potential also.

They're not just create a joint voice, more than that, is the possibility of clear placement of different international agendas. The Anglo-European axis has dominated international relations for more than a century, without that effectively there is a counter weight (with rare moments of exception).

An agenda that seeks new models of economic development and political relations between states only reality will be when the BRICS countries started a clear demand in this sense.

Brazil and BRICS

Brazil is a big country with international recognition, but this is not enough for us to see our international agendas fully met. The search for a more active inclusion has traditionally occurred through strengthening multilateral forums. However, before the continuous weakening of these forums (as seen with the UN and the WTO), it is essential that Brazil focus their efforts on other strategies.

The bilateral path is time-consuming and costly, left the room for a performance in blending these two paths: more bilateralised performance, even using blocks and groups. Then comes the BRICS as very strategic for Brazil's foreign policy.

It is necessary that the country should learn to maximize the agenda of BRICS and support the maximum development and international operations, even if it means taking the relevance of other agendas or paths.

A Brazil without BRIS Brazil is increasingly isolated in the international arena.

Originally published in

The Brazil without the BRICS is an isolated country

20/08/2018 Off By Rodrigo Cintra

Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa make up the group known as BRICS. It is not just the aggregation of a number of countries with emphasis on the international scene, more than that, They form an important element that can impact on the international scene structure. (more…)