Saved politicians, lost politics

01/10/2005 0 By Rodrigo Cintra
Waldomiro Diniz, trusted man of the Chief Minister of the Civil House, José Dirceu, found himself involved in a very deep scandal when we think in terms of the Lula government. in other times, probably the same event would be treated with some disdain., disqualifying the accused and his connection with institutionalized power.

But in this case it's different. The accusation is the same one we've seen in the Brazilian press since Collor's time, when ill-erased traces of the past resurface for political reasons. What really changes in this case is the Brazilian policy itself, changed (or at least rehearsals of) in the last presidential elections.

We cannot forget that Lula/PT's victory was not due to a belief in his potential and ideals. As already traditional in contemporary Brazilian politics, who won was the refusal of what we had until then. Like this, we elected Lula with the hope of moralizing politics a little. That is why we exchanged Serra's idea of ​​administrative competence for Lula's idea of ​​honesty.

In other words, os eleitores brasileiros não migraram para a esquerda e nem viraram adeptos de um "socialismo light", as shown by the constant approval polls of PT governments at the most diverse levels of government. To a large extent the opinion-making middle class remains as conservative as ever, even though it has sought alternatives to the constant pressures it has been receiving from the Brazilian socio-economic dynamics.

Like this, when Waldomiro, o "homem forte" do "homem forte" of the president is caught in a scandal of this kind, the middle class increasingly dissatisfied with the direction of the government, now begins to rehearse his demonstrations of annoyance.

Certainly on the part of the government, the case is quite traumatic as Waldomiro was the articulator of the Planalto in the National Congress regarding the projects and constitutional reforms.

As much as the carnival was providential to distance a little from public scrutiny the whole case, the opposition has already declared that it will use the scandal to weaken the PT government and thus manage to recover part of the space lost in the last elections.

Without a doubt, this attitude is legitimate and even desirable in a democracy.. However, when we look at the medium term, it is necessary to go a little more calmly. If we put all cats in the same basket, Brazilian democracy will be missing one of its best moments.

Politicians are already sufficiently worn out and the idea of ​​opposition is healthy insofar as it presents itself as a counterweight to institutionalized power. As soon as it becomes clear to Brazilian society that the opposition is nothing more than a government that is not currently governing, disbelief may surpass the current disqualification of characters, reaching the political system itself.

or the times, or practices changed at the turn of FHC-Lula; if this has not actually occurred and society realizes, close the policy sections in newspapers and magazines, and the parliament because politics will definitely be a boring topic for the few who still deal with the topic..

Daily: The carnival was providential to calm the tempers in the Planalto and preserve the hair of the minister Dirceu, porém pode não apresentar os mesmos efeitos "benéficos" for Brazilian politics.

Moral of the Hist & oacute; ria: when for politicians everything is valid, for politics nothing is valid.

Council Liter & aacute; rio:

Those who are not yet convinced of this exhibition, at least remember the common proverbs that are no less true in States than in individuals: "homem de muitos negócios não será rico", "quem muito abarca, pouco aperta", "quem tudo quer, everything loses"
Viscount of Cairo

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Pol & iacute; tica

Yes IV – nº 33 / Mar & ccedil; the 2004