The impact of logistical barriers in the iron ore sector
T FRAME: The impact of the log barriers & iacute; sticos in min & eacute industry; iron river in atra & ccedil; & atilde, the Foreign Direct Investment Candidate: Ricardo…
Post-doctorate in Territorial Competitiveness and Creative Industries, by Dinâmia – Studies Center of Socioeconomic Change, of Sciences of the Institute of Labor and Enterprise (ISCTE, Lisboa, Portugal). PhD in International Relations from the University of Brasilia (UnB); Master in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (USP); and a degree in International Relations from the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Academic Director of Graduation at ESPM-SP and Head of International Office.
T FRAME: The impact of the log barriers & iacute; sticos in min & eacute industry; iron river in atra & ccedil; & atilde, the Foreign Direct Investment Candidate: Ricardo…
T FRAME: Sustainability of the part & ccedil process; & atilde; the Uni & atilde, the Europ & eacute; ia – Pillar Candidate: Jofre Portela Advisor: Rodrigo CintraBanca: Rodrigo Cintra,…
T FRAME: The paradox of human rights in pol & iacute; tica American foreign: ret & oacute; and the rich & ccedil & HAND Candidate: Miriam Malo Mendes Advisor: Rodrigo CintraBanca:…
T FRAME: European Parliament: national and supranational Candidate: Mariana Ricci Faria Advisor: Rodrigo CintraBanca: Rodrigo Cintra, Feliciano de Sá Guimarães and…
T FRAME: Internationalize & ccedil; & atilde; the Brazilian pig production: the case of Aurora in R & uacute; russia Candidate: Bernardo Dozza Pedroso Advisor: Rodrigo CintraBanca: Rodrigo Cintra,…
T FRAME: The cooperates & ccedil; & atilde; international and participates & ccedil; & atilde, the third sector: a study on the issue of stem cells in the scenario…
T FRAME: The acts & ccedil; & atilde; the NGO in question & atilde; the AIDS in á Africa Candidate: Paulina Let & iacute; cia Diaz Advisor: Rodrigo CintraBanca: Rodrigo Cintra,…
T FRAME: ABIT and promo & ccedil; & atilde; the ind & uacute; t & stria ecirc; TEXTILE Brazilian Candidate: Cristiano Carneiro da Cunha Advisor: Rodrigo CintraBanca: Rodrigo Cintra,…
T FRAME: The States and the pursuit of institutionalized & ccedil & atilde; the system econ & FLYING; p & Monkey international oacute; s-World War II Candidate: Ferraz Waelte Taveira J & uacute; senior…